Wednesday 23 September 2015

Networking Homework

1.) A computer network is a set of computers connected together for sharing resources.

2.) a.) We have been looking at LAN (Local Area Network

b.) And WAN (Wide area Network

3.) Internet = WAN
International bank = WAN
Secondary school = LAN
Local Library = LAN
University Campus = LAN
Asda Supermarket = WAN

4.)a) Project work can be shared
b)Teachers can check on children's work
c) Teachers can share work between each other

5.)a) Someone could hack into it and steal people's work
b) Disturbing material could easily be shipped around
c) It's harder to connect to other schools

6.) Mesh topology - Every computer is connected to each other and to the server
Bus topology - Only one computer is connected to the server
Star topology - Each computer is separately connected to the server
Line topology - Each computer is connected to the one in front of it.

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